Welcome to Saptharishi.org, Sanatana Dharmic Portal for the voice of Brahmins.
This Portal is intended for the following Main Objectives:
Challenging Hate Speech
- Challenging the Hate narrative targeted against Sanatana Dharma, especially hate speech against the Brahmin community
- To counter the Colonial Era manufactured hatred and false propaganda against the Brahmin community, by presenting a factual narrative.
- We believe that the goal of the hatemongers is the Hindu Extinction and annihilation of the Bharatiya Civilization. Brahmins just happen to be in the way and hence, may be genocide first.
- Where required, to counter false narratives and motivated propaganda through the legal process.
Providing a factual narrative
- To act as a source of information and provide a factual narrative to the current & future generations of Sanatana Dharmic so that they have the correct understanding of the Dharmic framework and the role of Brahmins in society.
- To create institutional mechanisms for research and developing educational material in Bharatiya Parampara tradition-related topics.
Supporting Dharmic causes
- To recognize and honour Brahmins who still are continuing the Dharmic path, in spite of multiple pressures (economic, social status, etc.) to abandon the path of Dharma.
- To provide scholarships and facilitate knowledge of Bharatiya Parampara traditions and Dharma, to all interested students irrespective of caste or creed, or religion.
Saptharishi.org–Our Objectives
At this point, you may have many questions coming up in your mind.
- How is this portal different from some other websites which espouse similar cause?
- What is the significance of naming this as Saptharishi?
- What is the team behind it?
- Who is funding this effort?
- Is it a political movement?
- How do you intend to accomplish these goals?
- Is this portal promoting ‘Sanatana Dharma / Brahmin’ supremacy mindset?
- Why this website content is in English & not in Indian languages?
To address these questions, we have developed a brief 3-minute FAQ Video which is in a Question-and-Answer format. We request to review this video, which is accessible from the home page as well as from the ‘Videos’ sub menu. In addition, you may want review our FAQ page where we have attempted to answer additional questions which we come across.
If you still need additional information, please feel free to drop in an email to info@saptharishi.org
How can I be a part of this movement?
- Anyone interested in Sanatana Dharmic cause is welcome to join this effort. There are no membership fees or any other financial commitment involved.
- As a start, you may want to subscribe to our newsletter updates. We promise to NOT SPAM you with daily messages. We plan to send twice a month updates.
- For more information, we request to review the video titled ‘Membership’, which is accessible from the home page as well as from the ‘Videos’ sub menu
- You can even support us virtually using the internet from the comforts of your home with a time commitment of 15 minutes per week.
- If you need additional information about becoming a part of this movement and contributing to it, please feel free to drop in an email to info@saptharishi.org
- Our humble request to all our supporters: While using saptharishi.org web portal/ other forums, please do not indulge in any kind of hate speech against others or in actions which are in violation of the legal and constitutional framework of our country.