Many Dharmics have reached out to us to share their personal experiences and encounters with Brahmophobia.
During discussion, the feedback we received is that they would prefer to share their experiences as a voice message to a whats app number at their convenient time and it is the preferred and easy way Hence, we have provided a whatsapp number +917019008661 which can be used by Dharmics to share personal experiences and encounters by way of a voice message. However if you prefer to write to us, you may write to us at the email address
Dharmics can leave voice messages in English, Hindi, Telugu or Tamil, preferably with their name and contact number. Please note that this number is meant for receiving voice messages only and phone calls to this number will NOT be attended to.
If you need to contact us, please use the ‘contact us’ webpage form provided in the ‘tools and resources’ section of the website.